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About - Bits, Stirrups and Spurs

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The Bits Stirrups & Spurs Philosophy

Bits Stirrups & Spurs 

 is on Team Horse - are you?



​A comfortable Bit is the foundation for great training.

Good performance is paramount across all levels,

from having a horse that is reliable and responsive in the paddock and out hacking;

to a competitive sport horse that needs to stay relaxed and focused both during training and at the event. 


At Bits, Stirrups and Spurs we're for the horse; we're on Team Horse.

We're all about selecting the right Bit for you and your horse,

to suit the type of riding you like to do.

Our aim is to help you keep your horse as relaxed and comfortable as possible,

so he can focus on the task at hand. 

"Being on Team Horse is about being someone who cares about horses,

who understands them - or at the very least wants to learn more about them.

The better we understand our equine partner,

the more we can make him happy, comfortable and willing,

and the better we allow him to perform.

Our mission is to make horses everywhere more comfortable,

one Bit at a time." 

With up-to-date research,

we provide you with a choice of bits and accessories

that will keep you and your horse on the right track.

We  say NO to single-joint snaffle Bits,

and have taken them off our shelves,

due to the discoveries of how a horse is 


affected by this Bit style.


Join us.

Do it right,

choose good Bits that make a difference.

Join Team Horse.